
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Internet Woes

As far as real life problems go, this is probably one of the most insignificant.  Insignificant, but supremely annoying.  Our internet is down, so I'm bouncing from cafe to cafe, drinking too much tea, and trying not to laugh to loudly at 9gag (apparently my sense of humor is on par with a teenage boy's).  As such, this post will be a short, picture-less one.
The problem is our router, modem, thingy.  It just...died.  We didn't want to pay $100 for a new one (really, at&t, a hundred bucks???), so we called to cancel our internet, thinking we'd read more books and try living more minimalist-like.  But lo, and behold!  AT&T loves us (well, our money anyways), and are overnighting a new system---FOR FREE!  A million points for AT&T customer service!  However, if by some stroke of luck, an AT&T big wig is reading this, here's something we didn't like: the automated menu that we got when we called customer service.  It stinks.  It's inefficient (for the customer).  It wastes a lot of time.  Improve that, and you've got a fan for life, my friend.

Anyone else have any stories of success with customer service?  Or any really tragic stories, because let's face it, those are just as fun to tell and hear!

P.S.  Check out my shop page for a treat!


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